Secret WW2 message

At this point I’m sure we’re all wondering what is on that message. What information could possibly be so important, that brave pigeon was willing to die for it? What could the Nazis be sending to the British? Let’s look at the possibilities:


It could have been a simple surrender message, although the fact it wasn’t sent straight to London via telegraph makes this unlikely. On the other hand I might just not know what I’m talking about.

“We’re going to launch a full-scale attack on London”

A bit of reverse psychology (and war crimes) to confuse the brits.

“We’re going to launch a full-scale attack on Paris”

The good, old double reverse psychology. The brits think the Germans are lying and are completely unprepared when they invade France. Naturally they were unprepared for this anyway since they got no message about the Germans invading France.

“Hi Montgomery. How are you?”

They might have known each other before the war.

“Switzerland kicked our asses. Requesting backup.”

The Germans realized how much of a threat the Swiss were and wanted to make sure that if they snapped they couldn’t take over the entire world. Thankfully this never happened. (And if it did no country could stop them).

“I am you father”

No. That’s impossible.

“Look into your heart, you know it is true.”


“Hitler is a time traveller. We have the advantage.”

Unfortunately for Hitler this means he already knew of the end of the war and of his own fate. Such is the burden of a time traveller.

“Aliens are behind everything”

This just makes sense.

“Barrels are behind everything”


Well that’s what I think the possibilities are anyway, but I guess only time will tell us for sure.

Never-before-seen Mountains

Absolutely incredible.

I can’t believe that there are still places in the world that no-one has ever seen before. And to climb the cliffs on the side of that mountain would have been incredibly difficult and dangerous. Also, the drone was pretty cool too. I’m going to have to buy one right after I buy a jetpack.

What? I wasn’t being sarcastic. I was being totally serious about that.

Okey-dokey, see ya later.


The nobel prize for prizes

goes to the Ig Nobel Prizes. Just take a look.

Let’s take a look. Most of these are pretty interesting, albeit somewhat pointless.

‘Leaning to the left makes the Eiffel Tower look smaller’

Ooooooook? Doesn’t it work if you lean to the right?

‘Converting old ammunition into diamonds’

Cool. Are they renewable now. That should send their value down. Ooh, That gives me an idea. “Look in your hand. Back to me. I have it. It’s an old pile of Russian ammunition. Look again. The ammunition is now DIAMONDS!”

‘Speech Disruptor’

This…is completely pointless. Clever I suppose.

‘Dead salmon thinking’

This doesn’t surprise me. They could use electricity to make frog’s legs move before the industrial revolution.

‘Why green hair’

Why not green hair? By the way, I stopped caring about this post after the Old Spice parody.

‘Report about a report about…’

Bluh, bluh. I could probably wrap my head around this, but I have other tthings I have to do.

‘Ponytail Mechanics’

*Sarcastic clap

‘Coffee Dynamics’

I don’t even like coffee. How many of these left!?

‘”I recognize that ass”‘


‘How to not explode during colonoscopies’

Hehehhehheeheeh. Those wacky monkeys. Wait a minute, that’s a thing that can happen. Hang on, these awards are just a bunch of butt jokes aren’t they?

Now get out of here


Hero policeman

This is a lovely story.

The police are always in the news for stuff like police brutality and abuse of power recently, so it’s nice to see a story about a law enforcer selflessly putting himself in harm’s way to save an innocent citizen. This is what protecting the public is all about. It’s even better since all parties involved survived.

Well, this is gonna be a pretty short entry.



Girl with autism denied entry to Australia

This is messed up.

There are so many things wrong with this. Firstly, the government is putting the health of this young girl, and many young people, beneath the costs that might apply to them. Also, the article states that this has happened before and there and when the news reported it the public was so angry that the government had to let them in, and now that they’re in they think they can stop accepting them because ‘it will cost too much.’


This article hit hard with me because I myself have been diagnosed with High-functioning Autism. I decided I to help Niamh and so can you by signing this petition. I’m sure she’d appreciate it.

Generic farewell


Martian Blueberries

Is there life on mars. Several decades ago many people believed there was advanced civilizations on the planet, then after a while everyone thought the idea of any life on mars was preposterous, and now most scientists believe that life may have existed billions of years ago on Mars, but was probably just single-celled organisms. Basically it follows this path: Optimism => Pessimism => Realism. Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with blueberries. Did they find actual blueberries growing on Mars? How does this impact me? Can I grow my own martian blueberries? Sadly, the answer to all three questions is ‘no’. Yes, even the second one.

Here, read this article.

As mentioned, recently Curiosity landed on the planet and hasn’t done a thing yet. You’d think any news related to Mars at the moment would have to do with it, but instead the one that has discovered these interesting rock formations is the mars veteran, opportunity, and they may be the evidence we need for determining if life has ever existed on Mars.

Until next time, or something.


Obama hugs


Yeah, Obama would have to be the second-best american president of all time. (The best, of course, being Theodore Roosevelt.) Obama’s just doing fun stuff all the time, like this, or this, but best of all, this. Another great thing about him is his endless optimism. Some (republicans) might call it naivety, but I think it’s nice, especially considering the stuff that was going on when nhe came into office.

Enough, about Obama. He is the American president after all.


Seekers of asylum

Screw titles.

Anyway, this.

Now that you’ve read that I’d just like to ask why they are being turned back. I mean, seriously. What conceivable reason do they have for sending them back after all the suffering they’ve been through to escape in the first place. Asylum seekers not even illegal. There is a law stating, ‘Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.’ They say it’s to protect our borders, but from what? Terrorists? Virtually none of the refugees are terrorists, and I mean none.

In any case, I might come back to the subject with a later news article so I can rage about it a bit more, but this is enough for tonight.


Is in vitro meat really what we’ve been waiting for?


Yes it is.

However, this person would beg to differ. She raises some pretty good points I suppose, and i’m no scientist, but I think with enough research we can make in vitro meat a viable  alternative to real meat. All we need is cheaper technologies and renewable nutrients. Besides, based on the last paragraph, I have a feeling the writer wasn’t entirely unbiased. She seemed to have an aversion to meat and was overly concerned about the environmental problems caused by it.

Homestuck: The Adventure Game

(Hey! Why’s this one a link?)

HELL YES! Does this even count as a news story? Whatever, I don’t care because this is the best thing ever! Now, you may be asking ‘What is Homestuck?’ Excellent question. Unfortunately, it is not easy to answer. It’s a…thing, that’s like a game, but isn’t actually a game, except for the times when it is. Maybe it’ll just be easier to take a look for yourself.

Anyway, back to the kickstarter. The trailer on the site doesn’t show any footage of the game, instead, it just shows parts of some of the flash animations from throughout the story. However, the basic premise of the story should be easy to transplant into a brilliant game, and if anyone can pull it off, Andrew Hussie can.

Well, I’ll be back next time wih some more serious issues.

Until then, Au Revoir.